CHITOSAN – not only in emergency medicine!
Wound management is a fascinating and important topic, especially when we talk about the treatment of difficult and chronic wounds. Chitosan has proven to be a promising candidate here. Let’s delve a little deeper into the magic of this approach! Chitosan in wound management What is chitosan? Chitosan is a biopolymer obtained by depolymerization of […]
New in the program: IFAK P Lite
The IFAK P Light (Individual First Aid Kit P Light) with a quiver holder for the protective vest or attachment to a Molls system carrier, is a slimmed-down version of a first aid kit that has been specially developed for police officers. It contains a basic set of medical equipment needed to treat minor injuries […]
New in our range: AXIO haemostatics
Axiostat® haemostatic emergency dressings can control moderate to severe bleeding resulting from traumatic injuries. Axiostat® is based on protonated bioadhesive technology (PBT™), a haemostatic dressing that forms an active mechanical barrier at the bleeding site. Axiostat® accelerates blood clotting and reduces blood loss. Suitable for both civilian and military use. Axiostat® can also be found […]
IFAK – Professional, fully equipped first response kit in military quality
We offer 3 variants: DEHAS IFAK P – the IFAK in the basic variant, for military and civil useDEHAS IFAK – Completely and fully equipped for every soldier in actionDEHAS IFAK EMS – for the advanced user from the level of paramedic onwards (Combat Medic) Robust MOLLE straps allow the IFAK to […]